Olfactory Bulb Odor Map DataBase (OdorMapDB)
OdorMapDB is designed to be a database to support
the experimental analysis of the molecular and
functional organization of the olfactory bulb and its basis for the perception
of smell. It is primarily concerned with archiving, searching and analysing maps
of the olfactory bulb generated by different methods. The first aim is to
facilitate comparison of activity patterns elicited by odor stimulation in the
glomerular layer obtained by different methods in different species. It is
further aimed at facilitating comparison of these maps with molecular maps of
the projections of olfactory receptor neuron subsets to different glomeruli,
especially for gene targeted animals and for antibody staining.
The main maps archived here are based on original studies
using 2-deoxyglucose and on current studies using
high resolution fMRI in mouse and rat. Links are also provided to sites containing maps by other
laboratories. OdorMapDB thus serves as a nodal point in a multilaboratory effort to construct consensus maps integrating data from different methodological approaches.
OdorMapDB is integrated with two other databases in SenseLab:
ORDB, a database of olfactory receptor genes
and proteins, and
OdorDB, a database of
odor molecules that serve as ligands for the olfactory receptor proteins.
The combined use of
the three integrated databases allows the user to identify odor ligands that
activate olfactory receptors that project to specific glomeruli that are
involved in generating the odor activity maps.
Illustration shows a map of 2-deoxyglucose activity in the glomerular layer
of the main and accessary olfactory bulb. In Smith and Shepherd (1999), based
Stewart et al (1979).