Global Activity Patterns for Aliphatic Aldehydes
Olfactory bulb
Glomerular layer
Global activity patterns in the glomerular layer for aliphatic aldehydes in the same mouse. a) Odor maps for aldehydes: C4 (butanal), C5 (pentanal), C6 (hexanal), C7 (heptanal), C8 (octanal). Modules are identified (left) and overlaid on the odor maps (as thin white lines). b) Effects of carbon number on total signal. c) Modular comparison of odor maps. Exposure durations were 2 minutes; inter-exposure times were ~20 minutes to minimize adaptation effects.
Fuqiang Xu, Nian Liu, Ikuhiro Kida, Douglas L. Rothman, Fahmeed Hyder, and Gordon M. Shepherd