Odor Map
fMRI Activity in Accessory Olfactory Bulb
30 grams
Olfactory bulb
  • Mixture of methyl anisole, patchone, indole, helional, butyrophenone and fenchone Show Other
1% each odorant (v/v)
2 minutes
The AOB (pink circles) can be activated by odorants without known pheromonal functions. Exposure duration: 2 minutes; mixture components: methyl anisole, patchone, indole, helional, butyrophenone and fenchone; concentration, 1% each (v/v). The locations of the slices are indicated under the images. Scale bar = 1.0 mm.
Fuqiang Xu, Michele Schaefer, Ikuhiro Kida, James Schafer, Nian Liu, Douglas L. Rothman, Fahmeed Hyder, Diego Restrepo, and Gordon M. Shepherd
Other categories referring to fMRI Activity in Accessory Olfactory Bulb
Revisions: 2
Last Time: 10/18/2005 4:19:28 PM
Reviewer: Nian Liu
Owner: Nian Liu